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August 2018
Tompkins-Cortland Building Trades and its’ supporters hold a public awareness program upon Cornell’s student move in day and pose the questions “Does Cornell Care?” Cornell responds by indicating it will use local labor on the upcoming North Campus housing project. Will Cornell back up its words with actions by committing to using local union labor for ALL future construction and maintenance?
April 2018
Maplewood Redevelopment team requests its third extension of the work week to permit work to be done on from 7:00 am 10:30 pm as opposed to 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. After negotiations the Planning Board allowed the working hours to be extended from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. The redevelopment team states it will not be able to deliver the project on time and vaguely places the blame on a shortage of workers.
December 2017
Maplewood Redevelopment team requests and receives its second extension of the work week to permit work to be done on Saturdays. Being 25 days behind schedule, the redevelopment team again blames the weather and a dwindling work force.
September 2017
Protestors request fair wages for construction workers as the Maplewood Redevelopment Team is not bound by local minimum wage requirements. As a result, local labor suffers. The majority of construction workers at the Maplewood site are non-union and non-local. An easy effort to sustain the economy is ignored.
August 2017
Maplewood Redevelopment team requests and receives its first extension of the work week to permit work to be done on from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm as opposed to 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, blaming the delays on weather.
April 2016
Neighbors voice their concerns about the Maplewood project during the planning stage. Cornell negotiates 50 year lease with EdR because of their “expertise.” Jeffrey Resetco, EdR, claims that Cornell “realized that [EdR] can deliver on this faster and more economically that if they do it themselves.”